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Midnight Showcase
Copyright ©2007 by Anthology Authors
First published in 2007, 2007
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ISSN 1555-5496 Vol.67-11ED
Published by
Midnight Showcase
PO Box 300491
Houston, TX 77230 USA
China Blue Eyes Copyright © 2007 June E Bradley
Dreams of the Deep Copyright © 2007 Liz Isola
The Young and The Restless Copyright © 2007 Alexis Ke
Marine Biology Copyright © 2007 Dianne Merlin
Seduction of the Siren Copyright © 2007 Cara North
Freedom's Quest Copyright © 2007 Monique Lamont
Names, characters, and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.
Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond
the intent of the author or the publisher. No part of this book
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
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ISSN 1555-5496 Vol.67-11ED
Editor: Caroline Ballantyne
Copy Editor: Jane Carver
Format Editors: Mae Powers
& Wendy Mackrell
Cover Layout: Mae Powers
Printed in the United States of America
In space and under the sea, merfolk exist. Enjoy these tales of fin, fun and fantastic adventures in life and love.
China Blue Eyes, June E. Bradley
Lorelei is welcomed to the undersea community of Seacrest, but conflicts and learning to survive in the turbulent environment interferes with her mermaid transformation.
Dreams of the Deep, Liz Isola
When a mer-sculpter and her neighbor express interest in her, Dolly wonders if they can deal with her real reason for being in a wheelchair.
Seduction of the Siren, Cara North
When the object of her seduction can't hear the siren's song, and normal communications fail, there's only one way to get the point across!
The Young and The Restless, Alexis Ke
Washed up on the beach and accused of murder, Zion must convince policewoman Tatyana he's not what she think he is; or is he?
Freedom's Quest, Monique Lamont
Lialani is locked in an aquatic theme park, weeks away from becoming the main attraction, with resident marine biologist Kyle her only hope of freedom.
Marine Biology, Diane Merlin
Isabo rescues a merchild. Staal is determined to do anything to get his niece back. Will sex be his downfall with Isabo, or their salvation?
China Blue Eyes
June E. Bradley
Lorelei is welcomed to the undersea community of Seacrest, but conflicts and learning to survive in the turbulent environment interferes with her mermaid transformation.
[email protected]
China Blue Eyes
June E. Bradley
South China Sea—1857
Alone on the beach, Lorelei walked toward the foaming surf and rolling waves. Palm trees swayed lazily along the white sandy shore. Waves lapped in slow motion at the pristine sand before returning to the sea. Trees and volcanic seamounts dotted the landscape. Sand dunes lined the beach where white crystal sand reached an aquamarine sea, beckoning her to explore its wondrous depths.
She stepped into the water and walked until submerged. She was surprised when she realized she didn't need air to breathe. Alarm raced through her as the sea current pulled her deeper. She forced herself to relax, and a peaceful feeling seeped through her body. Finding a level area, she stretched her arms and looked about.
The land under the sea was similar to her home above water. There was a cultivated area in front of her filled with lush green plants and what appeared to be trees growing underwater. She thought this to be strange, but it didn't frighten her. Everywhere, there were well-attended gardens. The fragrant, somewhat salty, scent of flowers and plants was, although strange, very pleasant. Their leaves and blossoms beckoned her to explore. Red, white, purple, blue and gold flowers peeked out from their green foliage. She had never seen such strange blossoms. They invited her to enjoy their exotic forms and to enter a path leading to fountains and lawns of green sea grass that hinted of a quiet and peaceful place. There was not another person to be seen in this peculiar setting. The only other life around her was some exotic fish lazily swimming about.
She hoped John, her husband, wouldn't worry about her. When he went to sea for months at a time, she worried something would happen to prevent his return to her. This time she was the one who was away.
She had no memory of how she came to be in this beautiful sea world. At the end of the path, she found an old open gate. Hung on it was a jagged wood plank with antique lettering carved into it. She deciphered the archaic writing to read ‘Vel Com Ye To Zeakreast.’ “Welcome to Seacrest!” she exclaimed. Lorelei remembered the legend of the mystical world of Seacrest. She recalled from when she was a child her grandmother entertaining her for hours with tales of Seacrest, the land of mermaids, mermen and other weird sea creatures.
The excitement of her discovery was tempered when she realized she was in a very unusual site on the seabed. Instead of being cold and murky, the sun shone through the water. The calmness of the water revealed clear blue skies. She could even see puffy white clouds moving across the blanket of blue above.
The gates she entered swung closed behind her. Lorelei made her way down a path and stopped when she saw a handsome merman and a gorgeous mermaid swimming toward her.
They were smiling as they waved a friendly greeting. She thought she heard them say, “Welcome, Lorelei. We have been waiting for you."
They were close enough for her to notice they didn't move their lips. Lorelei thought, “How come?"
The merman answered, “Sound does not transmit too well underwater. It has a very short range and becomes garbled by distance. So we merfolk developed a thought-talk that enables us to communicate underwater. It allows us to talk to any semi-intelligent creature in our waters."
The merman was every girl's dream. Tall and muscular with dark golden skin and wavy blonde hair tied with a leather band that hung below his shoulders. His eyes sparkled like emeralds.
They made a handsome couple. Those were the only words she could use to describe them. The mermaid was beautiful and self-assured. She was shorter than her mate and was the most alluring woman Lorelei had ever met.
"I am Gemma, Princess of the Mermaids. This is my mate Lars. Welcome to Seacrest, Lorelei. We hope you will enjoy it here."
"What is this place?” Lorelei was nervous and not sure what she was doing there.
"It is a way-station. A place for people who are sick and can't return to Earthland, which is wha
t we call the air world above the sea."
"Am I dead?” Lorelei asked, frightened and unsure.
"No, just very ill,” Gemma replied.
"You can't be serious?” She couldn't think straight enough to ask more questions.
"For now, this is where you'll live,” the golden haired Gemma told her.
"I don't want to live here. I want to go home,” Lorelei complained.
"The time is not right."
"What kind of sickness do I have?"
"It is probably influenza. It has been so long since our children had it. I don't remember much about it. We never have any sickness or trouble here.” She turned and smiled at her mate.
The merman had listened, not interrupting. His smile put Lorelei at ease.
"It's impossible. I have never been sick in my whole life,” Lorelei whined.
"You're very sick, and it will take all your strength to overcome this malady that has attacked you. If not, you will never leave here."
"So, I must fight?"
Gemma took her aside. “If you don't fight, you will stay here forever."
"But how can I do that?"
"You caught the flu, and it's made you very ill. It's a lingering sickness, and you don't seem to be responding to the medicine.” Gemma took her hand. “Use your inner strength and determination to get through this ordeal."
"But I don't believe this."
"It's taken a hold of you."
"What am I to do?” Lorelei didn't know what to think.
"You will be safe with us.” Gemma gestured around the place. “We'll take good care of you during your stay."
"How long will I be staying here?"
"We are waiting for your audience with the queen. We'll teach you some of our ways, in case the decision does not turn out in your favor."
"What lessons?"
"I am to teach you how to become a mermaid."
"I don't want to be a mermaid,” she cried out.
"I know, my dear, but you must try. The queen insists. All Sand Scrapers must learn our ways. Even if you do not stay with us and return to your Airland, you will have learned something."
Lorelei frowned. What kind of classes did they want her to attend?
Gemma picked up her thoughts. “You still have your feet. You must learn to balance your body on your tail."
"My tail?” She looked down. No tail.
"You will wear a skirt made of fish scales with a mermaid's tail. It looks simple, but it will be a difficult thing to manage.” Gemma smiled. “I'm sure you can master it. It might take some time because you are tall and slender. Most of our mermaids are well built and well endowed."
"Is there anything else I need to know?"
"How to flirt and lure men to Seacrest."
"You have got to be kidding,” Lorelei laughed. She hadn't flirted since she got married. “I thought I was sick."
"You are. And this is part of the healing process.” She paused for a moment before continuing. “We have a shortage of mermaids, and we need new blood. New blood means mating and babies."
Lorelei wondered how this could be happening to her and if she would ever wake up in her nice soft bed again.
Her husband was tall and sturdy with dark curly hair and sun-kissed skin that glowed like gold. His weather-beaten skin came from long days in the hot sun, wind and rain. He was a handsome man. She loved him but felt the loneliness when he was away for months at a time. It crept in, making her yearn for his touch.
A young mermaid arrived and gave Gemma a note. She read it and thanked the maid.
"Oh dear, Ophelia wants to see you a lot sooner than we expected.” Gemma looked at Lars and told him. “We have only three days to get her prepared to see the queen."
"Why get so upset?"
"She interviews all the new Sand Scrapers. Right now you are considered one."
"What is a Sand Scrapper?"
"It is the lowest form of sea life.” Gemma patted her on the shoulder. “Lars and I will be your guardians while you are here in Seacrest. We will show you to your cabin, where you will stay until other arrangements are made."
"A cabin?"
"It's on the same sunken yacht as the queen but a deck below."
"Come. We'll take you there."
Lars and Gemma each held one of Lorelei's hands. They swam toward a large sunken craft, once quite beautiful. They swam below a deck and into a passageway where several doors once opened to its guests.
When Lars opened the door to her cabin, Lorelei was surprised at its splendor. It was a large room and bigger than her room at home. It had a nice bed all made up with pink satin sheets and a hand carved headboard weathered by the sea. A dressing room and a private bath occupied one part of the room. She felt like royalty, living in such luxury. She shuddered with excitement.
"We must begin your indoctrination immediately,” Gemma told her. “We normally have a fortnight to teach you."
"Yes,” Lars agreed. “Let's start with her thought-talk. Right now, she is broadcasting to all within range. We need to teach her how to direct her thoughts and to refine her audiology for interpretation clarity. She is letting too much of her inner thought leak through. Lorelei needs more control."
"Right,” said Gemma. “We need to start her swimming lessons, too.” She left the cabin and returned a few minutes later with a skin tight mermaid's costume that she gave to Lorelei. “Put it on."
It fit fairly snugly. Then the accelerated lessons began and continued until Lorelei could not absorb any more.
Lorelei watched Gemma and Lars swim away with some concern. They were from this mysterious world and were to look after her and teach her how to live under the sea. It was a chilling thought. Something she was not looking forward to.
* * * *
The fast-paced lessons in thought-talk, swimming, decorum and social skills continued non-stop for the next few days. Lorelei was a quick learner. Gemma was very pleased and pronounced her ready to see the queen.
The next morning, Gemma arrived early.
Lorelei returned her greeting. “I'm sorry if I seem nervous. It's because everything is strange and new to me. It will take some time to get used to it."
"Do not say the word ‘sorry.’ It annoys the queen, even when she's in a good mood.” Gemma swam closer. Her shoulder length natural blonde hair fell in waves just above her shoulders. She had a special glow about her. You knew instantly she was someone special. Her smile could bring the toughest and brawniest mermen to do her bidding. No wonder Lars loved her. She would make a fine queen, some day.
In the short time Lorelei had been here, she'd heard many stories about Queen Ophelia. Lars should have inherited the throne after King Julius died. The king had no heirs and had appointed Lars as his successor.
Queen Ophelia made certain she stayed queen for as long as she lived.
Gemma interrupted her thoughts.
"Put on this scale costume and top. It will make you appear more humble in Queen Ophelia's presence."
Knowing Gemma wouldn't steer her wrong, she obediently changed into the outfit. It was a long sheath skirt with gray-blue scales and a tail. Dull seashells cupped her small breasts, making her look like a Sand Scrapper. Her tail added to her lack of balance. She looked funny. It was awkward for her. She was supposed to support herself on her tail. She had been working at it for days but still couldn't stand on it.
Her mother was Chinese and her father Scottish and the only doctor in Foochow. Tall and thin like her Scottish father, she had her Chinese mother's shoulder length silky black hair and her father's amazing blue eyes. Her husband John's pet name for her was ‘China Blue Eyes.’ The color reminded him of the design in the rich porcelain he carried on his ship.
Most of the mermaids were blonde and buxom with a come hither look. They showed off their bodies for any man who would have them. She hated the amoral way they behaved. If this were what they expected her to become, she would have no part of it.
orelei, you have no choice in the matter. If Neptune wishes you to stay with us, you will."
She realized the possibility of having no say in the matter. She stopped thinking and let Gemma fuss with her hair, making it messy. It was a hard job with her straight black hair.
"We don't want you looking too pretty. The queen is jealous of all new Sand Scrappers, especially one who is as exotic as you."
"Queen Ophelia can think what she wants. I have no intention of staying here."
"We will have to see how well you fight to return to your Earthland and John. Sand Scrappers do not always stay."
"Thank you for the encouragement, Gemma."
"Actually, you are a lung full of fresh spring water to Lars and I."
"In what way?” she asked.
"You're natural. You do not try to be somebody you're not."
"And others do?” Lorelei knew better than to ask that question. All people are different.
"We are different.” Smiling, Gemma added, “We survive off the bounty we find on sunken ships. A ship sank in the last storm, and we must retrieve as much as we can. A lot of them carry valuable cargo as well as food and drink."
"Treasure hunting!” Lorelei laughed. “That sounds exciting."
"Sometimes we find precious gems, dishes and food. The queen always has first choice and you'll see she loves diamonds."
"Is she as bad as I heard?"
"I will leave it up to you to decide."
Cassandra, the queen's first maid, greeted them. “Oh, my! Look at her—"
Gemma cut Cassandra off in mid-sentence. “Lorelei is Chinese. I presume you've never been to China or met any of their people."
"No, I haven't.” Cassandra forced the words out. Her face turned a bright pink when she tried to apologize. “I—I—"
"Your apology is accepted.” Lorelei didn't want to make an issue of nationality.
Cassandra led them into the main dining salon of the sunken yacht. Chairs and tables were strewn about. Faded dark red velvet curtains floated listlessly against the gaping holes in the windows. In the middle of the room was one table still standing in its upright position with four clothed gentlemen seated around it. The clothes-covered skeletons still held playing cards in their hands. Lorelei pulled back.