Merlicious 2 Page 4
"I know."
An hour later, they arrived at a large lighted arena. Lars and Zor were waiting for them.
"You are on time. Glad you made it. We have excellent reserved viewing sites. I'm only sorry that they are so close to the queen's,” Zor told Gemma.
"Did you get rid of the drugs? Both of you have that distinctive smell.” Gemma seemed concerned.
"Is it that bad? We did not have time to go back to clean up and change. You know how Her Royal Highness gets when we are late. She abhors lateness, no matter what the excuse."
Lorelei was puzzled and looked from Lars to Zor, waiting for an explanation.
Gemma provided an answer. “The men take the drugs to the outer limits of Seacrest where the continental shelf drops off to sheer cliffs. The opium and any other drugs we find are dumped into the deepest chasm."
"Why? Was there a problem?” Lorelei asked.
Zor answered. “We had a lot of trouble with our young people on treasure hunts. They wouldn't report finding any drugs. We had several disasters until the queen forbid any young merman or maid to go on the hunts. It is much better now."
A young merman acting as an usher led them to their viewing site. Lorelei wished Zor would stop staring at her with such obvious affection. She wanted to love him, but she couldn't. Even though there were times when she thought she could.
They had an excellent view of the events.
Zor leaned over and told Lorelei, “The first act is going to be four dolphins in a water ballet."
They watched in rapt fascination. The performance was a delight to see. The dolphins swam about in a graceful manner to a music she had never heard before. It was thought-talk music generated by the dolphins. A melodious chorus of chirps, tweets, peeps, twitters and tweedles. It made her feel happy. She noticed Zor beamed at her happiness.
The next act was funny. Starfish with bright stones on their tips split into teams that tried to outdo each other by forming various geometric shapes and performing acrobatic stunts that were not always successful. The spinning, flashing and twirling stones dazzled the crowd. Cheers and clapping continued after they left the center arena.
"How delightful,” Lorelei remarked. Her happiness was affecting Zor; she hoped he didn't expect too much from her.
"The horse race is next,” Zor said.
"What kind of horses will be racing?” Lorelei asked.
"Seahorses, of course, and only the females race."
"Why only the females?” She asked in curiosity. “I thought all races were run by men."
"Maybe on dry land. We use female seahorses because it's the male seahorses that have the babies. Their way of life is very different from ours."
"Lorelei. Lorelei. My love, come back to us. We need you and love you...” John's voice faded away.
She missed his last few words.
"Is something wrong? You turned so pale.” Zor's voice showed his concern.
Before she could answer, she was relieved to hear Lars announce, “Here are some wager slips. You don't have to worry. I put a wager on Flamenco to win. She's a long shot, but I have faith in her. She's a good seahorse."
"Bets? What form of currency do you use?” Lorelei asked.
"Precious gems. Pearls, emeralds and rubies, like the ones you found today,” said Lars. “We use them to trade for food and other goods so they are the best to use for the races."
"I have never owned any precious gems.” Lorelei had never been close to gems before that day.
"I'm sure you will someday.” Gemma smiled.
"My kind of life doesn't include jewels."
"If you stay here with me, you can have all the jewels you like,” Zor told her with a hopeful look in his eyes.
Lorelei didn't know what to say to Zor about his tempting offer.
"When you go home, you will have something more important to look forward to,” Gemma told her enigmatically.
"Oh look! They finally got the seahorses lined up."
The young mermaids looked gorgeous in their bright racing colors. Just like a rainbow. The ringmaster motioned to the trumpet fish. A few high notes sounded through the arena. The race was about to start. Excitement showed in every movement of Gemma's body. With a more resounding blast from the trumpet fish, the race began. Lorelei didn't know which horse to root for, so she followed Gemma's lead.
"Swim, Flamenco! Swim!"
"Go girl! Go!"
Their voices raised in unison as they urged Flamenco on.
There were seven seahorses in the race. They swam from the starting line in the center of the arena and raced to a pylon.
Flamenco came in a whole length ahead of the others. It was thrilling, watching the young mermaids spur their horses on. In a few minutes, the race ended.
Lars and Zor went to pick up their winnings. They were grinning when they returned with the jewels.
Zor went to Lorelei first. “Take your pick, Lorelei.” The jewels sparkled in his hands.
"Gemma should have the first pick,” Lorelei protested.
"My dear, I have more jewels than I know what to do with. Pick anything you like."
Lorelei looked over the jewels. There were so many pretty ones to choose from. Pearls had always been her favorites.
"Take your time. The free swim is still a few minutes away."
Lorelei handled the gems gently as if they might float away and she would loose them. “I think I will take the pearls. Simple and plain like me."
"There is nothing plain or simple about you. You are like an exotic flower just beginning to bloom,” Zor complimented her.
"What a nice compliment. Thank you, Zor."
"You're welcome."
"It's one of the nicest compliments I have ever had."
"Zor does have a romantic thought, once in awhile,” Gemma teased.
"Though I live near the sea, I am not much of a swimmer,” Lorelei was almost ashamed to admit. “I haven't been interested in fishing or the undersea world. Its placid waters can be so deceiving."
"The sea is like a young girl. When she is happy, she can be calm and friendly, or even playful, joyful and exciting. But when she is angry, she becomes horrid. Gray with her hoary age and ghastly in her terrifying rage. She is bitter and violent. Woe to all seafarers that are in the path of her fury,” Zor said.
"When I was a child and lived close to the bay, I saw all her moods.” Lorelei stared out into the arena. Looking at Zor while she told this was too hard. “One day, I fell out of my father's fishing boat. I almost drowned. It scared me so that I never wanted to go out in a small boat again. It took several years to overcome the fear of drowning."
"Is this the reason why you are so unhappy here?"
Lorelei didn't answer but knew she didn't need to.
"You don't look well,” Zor remarked.
"I'm fine."
"The free swim is about to start."
"What is that?” Lorelei felt dumb for asking so many questions.
"It is where all the single mermen ask the single mermaids to swim with them. Sometimes it leads to their mating. So, if any of the men ask you to swim with them, you must accept. Especially if they belong to the queen's court."
"Lorelei, let's go swimming.” Zor claimed her hand and they swam off for the first swim dance.
Before they left to swim, Gemma whispered in her ear, “Be careful if Ellis cuts in. He has roaming hands."
Lorelei enjoyed swimming with Zor. He had an easy way about him. They enjoyed the dance until a young merman tapped Zor on the shoulder.
"May I cut in?"
She had seen the newcomer around and knew he was Ellis, a member of the queen's court. Lorelei took an instant dislike to him, deciding she didn't like the way he smelled.
Zor grudgingly let her go and Ellis took her in his arms. Lorelei tried to move away from him and his odor, but he held her tight.
"My name is Ellis.” He smiled at her. They were face to face.
"I'm Lorelei.
"Yes, I know. All of us Guardsmen are envious of Zor. But I will win you over, and then the queen will make you mine."
"What makes you think you will?"
His long bleached blonde hair didn't have the luster Zor's did. He was as muscular, but his skin tone wasn't right. His scales didn't glow right. They began to swim, and he tried to pull her closer. He smelled awful. She tried several times to move away, but he always pulled her back. He was quite strong for his slim build.
"Come along, my fair princess, and let me show you how happy you can be staying with me.” A sly smile came to his face.
"I don't want to stay with you,” Lorelei replied angrily.
"You will like everything I do to you. Ask the other mermaids. They will tell you what a good lover I am."
"I won't be staying. I have a husband waiting for me."
"How do you know he is still waiting?” The smile turned into a smug look.
"He loves me, and I love him."
"How can you be so sure? You've been away for a while. Maybe he has already found someone else."
"I trust John."
They swam along to the music. Lorelei tried hard not to laugh at this strange merman. His bad smell was becoming difficult to ignore. Several times she turned her face away, hoping he would take the hint and take her back to Zor. She noticed the snickers of the other merfolk as they swam by. They managed to stay a distance away from both.
He laughed, “How naive you are. I could teach you about all the forbidden pleasures in the world."
"I'm not interested,” she insisted.
He laughed again. She was becoming very annoyed with the young man.
"What kind of cologne are you wearing?” she finally asked.
"It is called Mugsy. All the mermaids swoon over me when I wear it. Don't you like it?"
She wrinkled her nose. “It smells awful."
"Are you trying to insult me?” Ellis was more surprised than insulted.
"It smells like skunk cabbage or stink weed as we call it topside."
"You are insulting me!” He jammed his hands on his hips. “I am Ellis, a trident bearer of the queen's court.
"Whoever told you it smelled nice was fooling you. You are a dumb nitwit."
"How dare you?” He grabbed her by the shoulders. A glint entered his eyes as he grabbed her breast.
"I'll do more than insult you if you don't take your hand off my breast."
His hand moved further down. “I'll play with you all I want.” Ellis was angry.
"No, you will not.” Her other hand came up and slapped him hard across the face. He yelped like a baby pig. She broke away from him and swam away. She heard the murmurs of shock and surprise from the other mermaids and mermen.
No one dared insult one of the queen's guards. Why the queen favored him was anyone's guess.
She swam back toward her group of friends, Zor meeting her halfway. He could see she was upset. When she reached them, she was madder then a fish out of water."
What happened?” Zor asked as he pulled her protectively close.
"Why did you let Ellis dance with me?” Lorelei was crying. She wondered if anyone would notice the tears that blended into the sea water. “I insulted Ellis. I told him his cologne smelled awful so he decided to grab me. I asked him to behave, but he kept it up. I slapped him across the face. He's an arrogant prick."
"Good for you!” cheered Zor.
"It is about time someone cut him down to size,” said Gemma.
"I think it might be better if you stayed with us tonight,” Lars suggested.
"Darling, that is a wonderful idea,” Gemma agreed.
"Ellis doesn't like rejection, and he has been known to come to the Sand Scrapper's cabins and assault them,” Lars said.
"He was groping me like I was a nobody. He did not act like a gentlemerman."
"You have disgraced him in front of his fellow mermen and mermaids. I agree with Lars, it'll be better if you stay with us. Ellis has a mean streak, and there is no telling what he'll try. He can be vicious when he doesn't get his way. I am afraid you have made an enemy."
"What am I to do?” Lorelei was concerned.
"Stick to your guns, Lorelei. I'm sure things will work out.” Gemma supported her actions. “Tonight you will stay with us."
When they arrived at the Sea Eagle, Gemma showed Lorelei to her room. It was a good size, and the bunk looked inviting. “Gemma, am I in a lot of trouble for what I did?"
"We'll have to see how the queen reacts to your rejection of one of her men."
"Jeepers creepers! I forgot about the queen.” The color drained from her face.
"Get some sleep. We have another busy day tomorrow. We're to see Martha for your reading. Good night and sweet dreams."
"The same to you, my dear."
Lorelei recalled the events of the day. If she stayed here, there was so much to learn. But she wanted to go home to John.
He came to her again that night. “My darling, I love you so much, and we miss you. Please come back to me ... to me ... to me..."
The words echoed through her mind. She knew she must make a strong effort to return to Earthland.
* * * *
Three blasts from a trumpet fish woke Lorelei, startling her.
Gemma came swimming into her room. “The queen has summoned us. You must dress quickly."
"Is that what the racket was all about?” Lorelei climbed out of bed and ran a comb through her hair.
"The queen is upset with you.” Gemma turned and headed to the queen's ship the moment she knew Lorelei followed.
"Is it because I insulted one of her pets last night?"
"I presume so.” She looked back over her shoulder at Lorelei. “The courier didn't mention the reason why. She won't like you calling him a pet. Though we all know he is one of her lovers."
Lars met them halfway. “A hell of a way to get woken up. The queen's bugler needs to get another job. Queen Ophelia could have waited another hour or two. However, she gets very upset when one of her men is offended. It is getting so nothing seems to please her these days."
Lorelei listened to their discussion, not saying a word. She wondered how much trouble she was in.
Cassandra waited with a smirk on her face. “You are in big trouble. Lots of it.” Then she noticed Lars was with them. Cassie swam closer to him and started flirting.
He tried to ignore her, but she swam around him, sliding her scales next to his.
He pushed her aside. “Cassandra, why should I waste my time on someone like you? I already have an enduring mate who pleases me in all ways. Save your aging charms for someone else."
Hurt by Lars’ rejection, Cassie swam away.
Lorelei could see why so many of the mermaids were always flirting with him, hoping he would leave Gemma. They soon learned he intended to keep Gemma for his lifetime.
"That woman never learns,” he said sadly.
One of the queen's guardsmen approached them and led them into the throne room. Again, the queen was sprawled on her lounge chair, petting the ugliest seadog Lorelei had ever seen. He was old, snoring away in seadog heaven. Lorelei smiled at the funny sight. She tried not to laugh. The queen was quite chipper after a night of celebrating. Her voice was hoarse when she spoke.
"You had the gall to insult one of my boys. Do you know what happens when someone insults one of mine?"
"No, Your Majesty."
"They get sent to the galley and work long hours."
Lorelei tried acting humble before the queen, but she wasn't doing a very good job. Instead, she spoke up. “Have you smelled him lately? He smells like skunk cabbage."
"What on earth is a skunk cabbage?"
"It is a foul-smelling plant that grows about three feet tall by lakes and streams."
The queen was quite surprised by her description and raised an eyebrow, thinking Lorelei would cringe and take back what she had said to Ellis. She waited a moment and called to her love
r, “Ellis. Come forward."
Ellis was more than three feet away when Queen Ophelia scrunched up her face. “Oh, fudge, you are wearing that awful cologne again. I told you not to."
By this time, everyone close by was holding their noses and making faces. The smell was that bad.
"But, Your Majesty, all the mermaids said they liked it."
"Ellis, you are a vain man. You believe anyone who gives you a compliment. Instead, they make a fool of you, laughing behind your back. You are some conceited jackass. Maybe this will teach you a lesson, not to believe everything you hear. You have brought this humiliation upon yourself. You may be thankful I don't sentence you to sixty days in the galley. Leave now and get rid of that awful cologne."
Ellis was speechless but arrogant enough not to let it bother him. He did not slink away like most men would but held his head high and departed the room with the smell flowing behind him.
The queen turned to Lorelei. “You have insulted one of my men. Do not let it happen again, or I will sentence you to ninety days in the galley. This is your first offense. I am letting you off without any punishment. Be off with you now."
"Thank you, Your Highness.” Relief filled Lorelei's heart.
Gemma and Lars hugged her.
Zor hung back. Somehow, he knew he would not have Lorelei as his mate.
"Let us get something to eat. I'm starving.” Lars said. He noticed how downhearted Zor acted.
"You go on ahead. Lorelei, I will meet you later.” Zor's facial expression was unreadable.
Lorelei watched him swim away with sadness in her heart.
They swam to the same secluded area where she and Gemma had illegal air days before. The place was crowded. The ladies she met that day joined them.
"We heard the queen did not impose a penalty on you,” Elvira remarked.
"The queen has taken a liking to our newest Sand Scrapper. It makes Lars and me very happy."
"How are you doing with your lessons?” Serena inquired.
"Not too well. Getting used to the tail is difficult. I don't think I will ever master the art. My swish is way off."
"Like everything, it will take time,” Serena nodded.
Lorelei sighed. Everyone assumed she'd stay.
"Don't worry. You will be seeing Martha shortly.” Lucy gave her an encouraging smile. “We all hope you get your wish and return to your sea captain."