Merlicious 2 Page 13
Tatyana rubbed her hand down the length of his arm, offering comfort. “Calm down. It'll be all right. First we gotta get out of here."
Zion jumped down from the bed, leaving the blanket that covered his body to drag on the floor. His openness to nudity awed Tatyana. She opened her mouth, shook her head and held up a hand to stop him.
"Maybe we better find you some clothes first.” No sooner did she speak than the door flew open, and the doctor reentered carrying several pieces of paper. “You think we can get him something to wear?” She looked from the doctor to Zion.
"Um, right. I'll get him a set of scrubs."
The doctor retreated from the room, returned in a minute flat and handed Zion a pair of hospital blues. “Put these on.” He tossed the clothes onto the bed.
Zion grabbed them, holding them between his hands. His gaze shifted from the clothes in his lap to the doctor then back to the clothes.
"Any day will do.” Tatyana blew out a disgusted breath.
He glanced down at his legs, unfolded the pants and without taking his eyes off the doctor slid his legs in and tied them at the waist. Then he pulled the top over his head.
Tatyana tried unsuccessfully not to look at his rippling muscles as he molded his body into the snug-fitting outfit.
"A little tight,” he said when he caught Tatyana looking at him.
She diverted her gaze. Yeah, but in all the right places. She tried not to laugh. “Come on, let's get out of here."
Zion glanced down at his bare feet and wiggled his toes. He hunched his unhurt shoulder.
"Sorry, no shoes,” the doctor said with a muffled laugh.
Tatyana pulled the doctor aside for one last consult. “And you're sure he's okay to leave?"
The doctor nodded as he looked over her shoulder toward Zion and watched him tuck and untuck the top from the pants.
"He seems harmless. Maybe a little—"
"Whacko.” Tatyana finished his sentence. “If I take this man out of here in my car and he offs me, you will have hell to pay."
"No doubt.” The doctor turned and left the room.
Tatyana stepped to the door, pulled it open and paused. She glanced back at Zion who stood perfectly still at the side of the bed. His expression told her he was as unsure about this as she was.
"Oh, what the hell. If you are coming with me, come on.” She stepped through the door and headed down the hall toward the parking lot, Zion one click behind her. His feet made soft padding sounds on the hard tiled floor.
* * * *
Three hours passed, and they were no better off than when they left the hospital. Four homeless shelters later and they all claimed the same. Full until further notice. Tatyana shifted the gear to park, and while clutching the steering wheel tightly, she shot a glance to the side and settled her gaze on Zion who had sat in staid quietness the past hour.
"Are you a crazy man? A lunatic? A madman? A rapist? A drug dealer?” She puffed out her cheeks. “A murderer? Which is it?"
"I don't know. What are those things?"
Tatyana burst into loud boisterous laughter. “Well, ask an amnesiac a question and get an amnesiac's answer.” She turned in the seat so she could stare into his face. “Look at me."
Zion turned and faced her. His movements were slow and stiff. His eyes asked the same question she couldn't answer.
"I'm going to take a chance. Don't usually do, but I got a feeling about you.” She turned back to face the front, started the ignition and pulled away from the curb. “God, I hope I'm not wrong. I've got to come up with a name for you.” She paused, glanced back over at him. “I'll call you Promise for now."
"Yeah, the land of promise."
Twenty minutes later, she garaged her car under the carport connected to her house. She pushed open the door, got out and headed up the three steps that led to her door. She turned and found Zion still sitting in the car, uncertainty etched in his eyes. She walked back to the car and pulled the passenger door open. “You can't sleep in my car. Come on."
Zion unfolded his body from the seat and followed her into the house.
Chapter Two
"I'm going to fix something to eat. Are you hungry?"
Zion didn't answer. He slowly followed her through the house to the kitchen, his eyes scanning his surroundings. He stood at the entrance of the kitchen and leaned against the doorjamb, his hand unconsciously rubbing his side. Shadows of fatigue clouded his eyes.
"Don't just stand there. Sit down.” Tatyana pointed to the table. “I'm making sandwiches. It's late, and you shouldn't sleep on a full stomach.” Sleep, hum. Arrangements flooded her mind. Her gaze slid across his body, again. I wouldn't mind sleeping or not with Mr. Mystery Man. Um, um, um.
She shook her head and tried to cool the sensations fluttering between her legs. The same warmth that permeated her core when she saw him naked surfaced and put her on guard. He's a victim and doesn't know squat. She turned back to the counter and the task at hand. “I hope you like tuna."
A minute passed, and she placed two plates on the table. She grabbed two bottles of water from the refrigerator and sat across from Zion.
After a brief second of silence, Tatyana picked up her sandwich and began to eat. Zion followed.
"You don't talk much do you, Promise?” Tatyana brought the water to her mouth and took a long gulp.
"Not sure what to say.” Zion swallowed his sandwich in three large bites. He gulped down the water as if it could be his last drink and sighed.
"Hungry, were you?” Tatyana chuckled.
"I—” Zion looked up from his empty plate to meet Tatyana's gaze. “I—” His head lulled back.
"What's the matter?” Tatyana pushed back from the table and stepped over to his side. “Are you going to be sick?” She reached up, rubbing her hand across his forehead. “Jesus, you're burning up."
Zion jumped back from the table, knocked the chair over and grabbed his stomach. “Hurts.” He swung around, confused and distraught, buckling at the knees. His respiration came in quick short burst. His eyes watered and filled with fear.
Tatyana squatted beside him, cupping his face in her palm. “Tell me where it hurts."
"Everywhere.” His voice was strained and shuttered.
"Damn it.” Tatyana glanced back at the table and the empty plate. “Damn it, not again."
His body jerked, and he fell to the side and curled into a ball.
"Okay, listen,” Tatyana's voice was nervous. “It's going to be all right. I'm going to get you something to make it better."
She tried to move, but his hand clamped around her wrist.
"Please, don't leave me."
"Okay, okay.” She ran her hand down the length of his back. “Let's get you to the sofa."
She helped him sit up. Zion pushed up to stand but went back to his knees. One hand grabbed his stomach, the other his mouth.
"Oh, no you don't."
Tatyana grabbed him around the waist, gave him a tug and brought him to a standing position. She dragged him beside her to the restroom in the hall where he went down on his knees before the toilet and was vilely ill.
Twenty minutes later, Zion was curled on the cool tiles, his eyes closed, cuddled in Tatyana's arms. Her hands slid across his face, arm and back. Zion opened his mouth to speak, and she shushed him.
"Don't try to talk. Just lay here a minute. It's my fault.” She gathered him closer to her. “I should have known. Not everyone can eat the chicken of the sea.” Damn you, Neptune. Why won't you leave me be?
Zion opened his eyes and settled his gaze on her face, a questioning look etched between his brows. “What's happening to me?” Zion rubbed his hand down the side of her waist. “I don't understand any of this."
"Allergic. You are probably allergic, that's all."
Zion shook his head. “I'm not supposed to be here."
I know. “Don't worry about it. It will all work out.” She stood and reached out
a hand to him. “Let's get you in bed."
Zion hiccupped a sigh, pushed up from the floor and leaned against the sink. His head swam with dizziness. A moment later he walked with her to the bedroom.
"Here, drink this.” Tatyana handed him the glass she retrieved from the kitchen after laying him on the bed.
"What is it?” Zion stared at the clear liquid with white granules swirling in it.
"Salt water. Drink it.” She brought the glass to his lips. “All of it. It'll settle your stomach."
Zion took a gulp, coughed once, stared at Tatyana over the rim and then emptied the glass. Tatyana sat it on the bedside table and pushed him down to lie in the bed.
"Try to sleep.” She crawled behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist.
* * * *
Zion lay awake for over an hour in the dark room. The surroundings unfamiliar, a fear he'd never felt before swarmed around him. The sound of Tatyana's breathing purred in his ears. She'd told him she didn't feel comfortable with him alone in the other room as she crawled into the bed beside him. Zion wondered if tomorrow would bring any answers. So many questions. He glanced over at Tatyana, brought his hand up and stroked her face. She was so beautiful. He'd never seen anything so lovely. Or at least he thought he hadn't. Blinking, he closed his eyes and dropped into sleep like a rock, too tired to resist any longer.
The memories flooded in like a storm. Washed over him and drenched his mind. People arguing, screaming and begging Neptune to allow him to stay. To not exile him to land where there was no hope. Water everywhere. He drank it, lived in it. Loved it.
"You will see my wrath, Zion.” Father Neptune's warning. Wrath. “You will not like it."
He called out in his sleep. Felt the waves crash against his body. His head hit the rocks, and pain shot through his muscles.
Tatyana's hand rubbed across his chest, and sensations stormed through him. He let out a ragged breath and opened his eyes.
Tatyana's body was wrapped tight around his. Her arms enveloped him in a warm embrace. Everywhere she touched him, he came alive. His blood began to course through his veins. She slid her hand across his abdomen, and the muscles twitched.
"Do you like that?” Her sleepy voice was a soft purr against his ear.
He could only nod slowly.
"How about this?” She cupped his balls and gave them a squeeze.
Zion jerked, settled and then moaned.
It was music to her ears. Rolling him over, she stared down into his eyes and smiled. “You do something to me.” She stroked his face. “Not sure why, but you do.” She leaned down and captured his bottom lip with her mouth, kissing him softly, warmly, as she trailed a line down his jaw to his neck and chest. She captured his nipple and gave it a light nip. “Can't ignore this."
Zion bucked up off the bed. Though his eyes were wide with arousal, confusion whipped across his face. He couldn't stand it. His heart began to race and pound in his chest.
"Stop.” He gasped for air. “I can't stand this. Ohhh—” His words caught in his throat when she slid her tongue down his stomach and kissed the tip of his manhood. The loud moan that permeated the room from his throat vibrated the walls. He'd never felt anything like this before.
"I didn't think you meant it when you told me to stop.” She took him into her mouth, held him there for a few seconds, sucking. “I wouldn't have anyway,” she said after she slid him out for a second. “Don't worry. Enjoy it.” She slid him in and out of her mouth again, sucking, licking, ravishing.
Everything in the room swarmed around his head. Vibrant colors, shapes, noises. The sensations surging in his body began to vibrate like a volcanic eruption. Every muscle in his body screamed. Tatyana relaxed when he stopped bucking and crawled up his body, laid her head on his shoulder and closed his eyes.
"I wanted to do that ever since I saw you on the beach.” She brought his hand up, cupped her breast with it and fell asleep. It's okay that I do. I know that now.
Chapter Three
Zion glanced over at the silhouette lying beside him, leaned over and whispered in her ear. “My name is Zion."
He slid out of bed, his movements quiet, not wanting to wake Tatyana. He walked to the door of the bedroom, pushed it open, stilled when it creaked and when Tatyana didn't stir walked out and pulled it closed behind him.
He was confused. The pain in his side and head were a constant reminder of what had happened. The dream was clear in his mind. No, not a dream. A memory. He wasn't supposed to be there. He'd lived in the water all his life. That was where he was supposed to be. The deep blue sea. The pristine waters off the coast of Africa. The Cape of Good Hope. That was where he belonged.
He glanced back toward the bedroom. Tatyana gave him something tonight he'd never experienced before. The sensations skidded through his body. His cock jumped when he remembered what she'd done with his shaft, but he was also unsettled. He knew from what he'd been taught she should have some of the same reactions. She didn't. After he'd erupted, she closed her eyes and went to sleep.
Zion dropped down onto the sofa, fiddled with the small device on the table and scrambled to quiet it when it jumped on. He glanced back toward Tatyana's bedroom. People's voices came out of the large square box on the wall. He blinked, stood and walked over to it.
Television. “I've heard about this contraption."
He brought his hand up and ran it across the screen. He jerked away when the woman on the screen laughed loudly, slid her lips across the man's stomach and then captured his cock in the same manner Tatyana had done. The man seemed to be as pleased as he had. He wiped his hand across his mouth, backed up and sat on the coffee table.
His eyes grew huge as he watched the two people copulate. The muscles in his thighs twitched when the man reversed positions and planted his face between the woman's legs. Loud moans escaped her throat.
"Yes, she's enjoying it,” he whispered as he pulled the table closer to the television.
He slid his tongue in and out of his mouth mimicking the man's actions. He cupped his manhood in embarrassment when it twitched and hardened. He continued to stare at the screen, his mouth open in awe. The man crawled up the woman's body, grabbed his rod and placed it where his mouth had been. In one quick motion, he rammed it into the opening. The woman screamed, but it wasn't from pain.
Zion saw in her eyes it was from pleasure. Pure pleasure. She moaned, gyrated her hips and grabbed the man around his so she could match his rhythm when he picked up the pace. Pump for pump, they moaned, groaned and grunted. After several minutes, the man called out her name. His breathing rapid, just like Zion's had been. The man bit at his bottom lip, gave the woman one last hard pump, grunted when she screamed, his body stiffening and jerking just as Zion's had done. Then he collapsed onto her. They had smiles on their faces that made Zion glance down at his stiff rod.
He wrapped his fingers around his shaft, rubbed it up and down and imagined Tatyana's lips on him. The muscles in his thighs and the pit of his stomach spasmed. He jumped up, ran to the bedroom and threw the door open. Tatyana lay in the bed, her eyes closed. Soft purrs floated from her throat.
Zion walked over to the bed, sat beside her and stared down at her body. He grabbed the covers in his hand and pulled it back. She was nude. He didn't remember her being naked. He closed his eyes, brought the television show back to his memory and bent his body so his face was next to her crutch. He kissed her stomach, slid his tongue in circles around her navel and trailed a line to the soft thatch of hair at the junction of her thighs. He parted her folds with one hand, slid his tongue across her nub and into her heat.
Tatyana stirred when the moan from her own throat woke her. It was as loud as the one emanating from Zion's. She hadn't felt the sensations erupting in her body in years. Her heartbeat escalated to unknown proportions. Her respiration hitched when Zion dove his tongue into her heat, twirled it, slid it out and dove it back in.
Tatyana imploded quickly. Her body jerke
d, arched and flopped back down. Zion paused when her first scream startled him and then he recognized the expression on her face. It was like the woman on the television. But he hadn't stuck his hardened shaft into her yet. He crawled up her body, placed his manhood at the opening of her womanhood, stared at her face and smiled.
"I hope I did that right,” he murmured softly.
"Oh, yeah.” Tatyana grabbed his hips and pulled him into her. “Take me, Zion. Now."
His grunt permeated from his throat, vibrated the walls and settled around their heads. Her heat grabbed him, clamped around him and pulled him in. He gasped for air like a drowning man. His respiration grew more ragged with each pump of his hips.
Tatyana grabbed the sheets in her hands to anchor herself and pulled them from the bed. Loud moans slid from her throat. “Harder, Zion. Haardum!” she yelled in Mermish, a language that shouldn't be familiar to her.
He remembered a move the man on the television did. He grabbed her legs, pulled them up and placed her feet on his shoulders. He slid his hand under her hips and rammed his shaft into her core as deep as he could go. As hard as he could go. As fast as he could go. The room began to swim around his head. The colors vibrated. Each time he pumped into her, she screamed his name. Just the sound of her voice in his ears sent currents of electricity through his body.
Tatyana grabbed his face, brought it down to her and captured his moan. Her tongue jetted in and out between his lips. Even her mouth was sweet to him. He loved the way she tasted. Every inch of her. He cupped her breast, toyed with her hardened pearl of a nipple. A gentle tug and Tatyana screamed. Her moist folds grabbed him, clamped down and spasmed against his rod as he pummeled her. Her body bowed, her eyes went opaque, and she collapsed against the bed.
Zion was dragged to the edge, tossed over and in, his body limp on top of Tatyana. He wasn't sure if he could feel his legs. He wasn't sure if he was breathing, but he knew by the smile on her face he'd succeeded at what he set out to do.
Thirty minutes passed before Tatyana slid her body from under Zion. She laid her head in the crook of his shoulder.